Quaker Oats Super Bowl


Quaker Oats Super Bowl 🏈

We’re all familiar with the concept of pregaming for the Super Bowl. You get your friends together, crack open a few beers, and briefly forget about the crushing weight of life’s responsibilities. BUT! We’ve all been missing one very crucial step for a successful game day: before we pregame…we’ve gotta pregrain.

TLDR; we’ve gotta eat a bowl of Quaker Oats before we get fucked up.

So we tasked “famous football person” & known oat-enthusiast, Eli Manning, with spreading the pregrain gospel. If you show us how you “Pregrain for the Big Game” on TikTok, you could win tickets to Super Bowl 58.*

*As Eli demonstrates, there is truly no way too insane to pregrain.

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Quaker Oats

